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Abhijit Kadam Sports Development Centre


AIFF manages the football in India. It administers the running of the national team and also controls the I-League, India’s premier domestic club competition, in addition to various other competitions. Founded in 1937, the AIFF gained FIFA affiliation in 1948, following India’s Independence in 1947. India was one of the founder members of the Asian Football Confederation when it was set up in 1954. 

Before the birth of AIFF, there was no properly constituted national organisation. However the IFA, the oldest association of its kind in the country, was recognised as the ruling body of football in the country. In that way, the AIFF had in the IFA a forerunner that dates backs to 1893. In its formative years, Englishmen dominated the IFA executive committee.

There are 33 State Associations affiliated to the AIFF, besides the Services and Railways Sports Control Boards and the Women’s Committee. Among the several competitions that the AIFF runs are the I League, Federation Cup, Durand Cup, Santosh Trophy, Dutta Ray Trophy (Under-21 National Championship), B C Roy Trophy (Under-19 National Championship), Mir Iqbal Hussain Trophy (Under-16 National Championship).

Member Associations

State Football Associations

There are thirty three State Associations affiliated to the AIFF. Besides, the Services and Railways Sports Control Boards and the Women’s Committee are affiliated units. Three provisionally affiliated State Associations are waiting for final recognition. 

The State Associations have their own constitution and structure. Sometimes, their regulations are not in conformity with the AIFF regulations. 

Depending on the size of the State, the State Associations have district associations affiliated to them. Clubs are affiliated to the district associations. In smaller States the Clubs are directly affiliated to the State Association. 

Each State conducts its own competitions. Competitions are at district level. There are also inter-district competitions. 

There is a lot of disparity in the functioning of the State Associations. 

A few State Associations, which have the resources, have well equipped and well staffed office. Some have just one room office where the Secretary or any other office bearer comes after the office hours of his regular work/job.


The AIFF runs several competitions:

  • I League
  • Federation Cup
  • Durand Cup
  • Santosh Trophy
  • Dutta Ray Trophy (U-21 National Championship)
  • B.C. Roy Trophy (U-19 National Championship)
  • Mir Iqbal Hussain Trophy (U-16 National Championship)

Website: www.the-aiff.com

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