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Abhijit Kadam Sports Development Centre

Kick World Wide

With its focus on the world’s emerging markets, UK-based Kickworldwide has become one of the leading organisations for the development of football. Kickworldwide believes it is essential that any commercial organisation that operates within any community should take the responsibility of giving back enduring value to that community. 

Through its global reality TV show ‘Soccer Prince’ and its Football Development Centres, Kickworldwide is creating opportunities for young people across the world. In the process, it is also creating role models for young footballers in some of the world’s leading emerging markets like India, Africa, China and Vietnam. 

Kickworldwide is proud to bring its partners, The English Football Association, & Liverpool Football Club, to India and is looking forward to creating a football infrastructure in India to rival the best in Asia.  www.kickworldwide.com

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